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Tallinn City Gallery

Memories from Altai Krai

Curator: Anneliis Lepp

Memories from Altai Krai is the story of the artist’s ancestors who migrated to Siberia at the end of the 19th century due to land shortage. The dream of a better life led them on a long and exhausting journey to Barnaul County, Altai Krai in Central Asia. After several stops they finally settled in the middle of the open steppe sided by mountains, founding a village named Eesti (Estonia) there together with other families.

Consisting of drawings, paintings and ceramic objects, the exhibition is based on the diary of Liisa Kruusmägi’s grandmother, which contains fragments of memories from the time spent in Estonia village. She has described the time spent there as “life that was full of hard work, but also fun“. It was a time of both joy and human loss.

Sound design: Taavi Tulev
Photos: Paul Kuimet 


Liisa Kruusmägi: ka halva tujuga tuleb kunst päris hästi välja, T. Karjatse, kultuur.err.ee

Vanaema mäletab, lapselaps joonistab ning vanavanaema elab igavesti, A. Metsamärt, Sirp

Kuku pärastlõuna: Saalis. Anneliis Lepp - näitus Mälestused Altai Kraist. Kuku.pleier.ee

Delta 30. jaanuaril: Eesti kirjanduse päev, Docpoint, Liisa Kruusmägi. Klassikaraadio.err.ee

Esivanemate Siberi-aastad kunsti pannud Kruusmägi: on traagikat, aga ka toredaid hetki. Kultuur.err.ee

Pildid: Tallinna linnagaleriis avati Liisa Kruusmägi isikunäitus. err.ee

©2024 by Liisa Kruusmägi